The materials needed in the dyeing process are:
1. Pigment dye
2. Oat-adjuvant substances
3. Media pelarutan / water

Color dye substances
1. There are two types of pigment by way perolehannya, namely:
a. natural pigment
Natural pigment can be obtained from:
- Turmeric
- Wood jackfruit trees
- Tea
- Fruits avocado
- Leaves putrimalu
- Leaves Desamuda Village Seminyak
- And so forth
b. Synthetic pigment
- Him color directory
- Color Him naftol
- Color Him vessel
- The color of sulfur Him

In practice, the natural pigment is rarely used, this is caused by several factors, namely:
- It is difficult to obtain
- The pigment is not fixed
- Generate a gloomy color
- Time of long and difficult process
- Multiple color limited
- Resilience faded less well

2. Pigment according to the nature
a. Pigment substantive
Pigment is substantive pigment that can be directly coloring oat fiber without the need for adjuvant coloring the fiber.
- Him color directory
- Him reactive color
- Color Him acid
- Base color Him
- Color Him dispersi
b. Pigment ajektif
Ajektif pigment is the pigment that require adjuvant substances for coloring fiber.
- Color Him naftol
- Color Him vessel
- Color Him vessel soluble
- The color of sulfur Him

3. Based on the pigment colors
a. Monogenetik
Naftol is the pigment that with the addition of salt naftol a different direction will give the same color.
- Naftol AS.D -> direction yellow
- Naftol AS.G -> direction chocolate
b. Polygenetik
Naftol is the pigment that with the addition of salt naftol a different direction will provide a different color.
- U.S. Naftol
- Naftol AS.BO
- Naftol AS.GL
- Naftol AS.GR
- Naftol AS.BS

4. Pigment-based chemical
- Nitroso
- Nitroazo
- Poliazo
- Indigoida
- Antrakwinon
- Ptalosianin

5. Pigment on how to use
- Pigment directory
- Base pigment
- Pigment acid
- Pigment mordan
- Pigment sulfur
- Pigment vessel
- Pigment naftol
- Pigment dispersi
- Reactive pigment

The higher molecular weight pigment, the more difficult pigment into the fiber so that the results become uneven.

