A number of countries in the world is now in love with the middle of a product called batik. France became one of the country to export batik, although still less than other countries, such as the United States, Belgium, Germany, and England.

What is batik Indonesia tune people who live in the country mode? Batik patterns are what? Early reports following Kusmana Massabuau writers Citizen Journalism Tribun Kaltim's French-made readers Tribun Kaltim.

Wear batik in the country has four seasons, is completely occupied. There are several problems when the need to wear batik clothes. Material basic batik clothes that came from cotton or silk cloth, it's not easy to be used than in the summer.

It is true that from early June until the end of the summer, batik clothes we find in many places of tourist attraction, especially the coastal region. Clothes that have the character and having a certain cheerful is the soft target for the holiday. When summer comes, most French people want to appear cheerful. This indicates their excitement akan mentari heat to burn the body of their nan pale.

But when winter comes, batik clothing from the circulation seems to vanish. Actual French people, not the type of people who want to use something figured. They are more like the classic colors and dark. It is, France did not match or get a nickname as the state central mode. But there is so.

In my city, Montpellier, there are a pair of husband and wife who sells handicrafts (gift) of Indonesia, precisely in Palavas Beach. Since a few years ago, Agus, the husband's bloody Yogyakarta, has been opened a store with his wife. The wife named Nathalie, came from France.

Talk about batik clothes, they acknowledge that the products from Indonesia that can only be sold when it enters the spring until the coming autumn. However, the form of batik products for home decoration or ornament small (gift) may be spelled out does not know the time. Because that is the reason, they are not only selling batik clothing, but also other products such as handicrafts typical of Yogyakarta.

Batik clothes that are sold the average simple model. As sleeveless dress for women, the usual batik cloth dililitkan as the cover for the body, walking along the beach. And the trend now is this pair of pants and shorts (shorts) batik pattern.

Penggemarnya children begin to mature both men and women. Men's shirt with batik senada style and color not too light, are also often targeted French citizens. Most of the batik clothes that are in demand sweet clothes that can be used to play by the beach or nyantai create.
HOW price? Price in the offer varies. Starting from 10 euros to 45 euros per piece. Price is not too expensive for the traveler to use it only in one season. While batik clothing varies slightly with model or a particular design, is still difficult to use the French.

This I know after a chat with Daphne Barbedette, the only French people who have special boutiques selling designer clothes batik creations Indonesia, as Carmanita and Dewi Adby, in Paris. According to the owner of this boutique Lali Puppet, batik clothing creations are still difficult to eat the French.

What is it? In addition to the French culture does not have to wear batik certain events, such as in Indonesia, batik is also due to the wear a special pattern. As a result, many French citizens who do not dare to use. If the cloth is batik pattern is only a small scarf. It allows for more consumption and more easily combined with other clothing.

Because several factors that, women with men bersuamikan the express intention Indonesia akan butiknya close in a few months. In fact, business has been dirintisnya that has stood since 2005. Unfortunately .... While in France he is the only women who dare to open a clothing boutique batik Indonesia.

Our own nation was not a dare. I know it is through the consulates and the Embassy of Indonesia. According to them, most people who deal in Indonesia in France prefer to sell their handicrafts Indonesia. Meanwhile, shops that sell clothing specifically batik, almost not there.

Unlike the batik as home decor. This product may be spelled easily found in shops, decorations and of course do not know season. Crafts such as batik, this is a more French country imported from Indonesia. And found that the quality and style batik in Indonesia go on the best that Malaysia.

As a result, the typical pattern batik Indonesia dicontek by fear of another country because many do not yet have the patent rights. Fortunately the Indonesian people in France still loyal with batik clothes. Many men or women who use French every batik clothes smell to attend the event-Indonesiaan. They are proud and feel without hesitate. I respect and wrapper with the attitude they want to appreciate the work of the Indonesian people.

In my mind, if only they knew how the process of batik and pembuatannya, of course, many who fall in love with batik. For example, a husband or family my friends, they are always excited and proud when we provide by by-batik cloth.

Typically, to use them always ask first when batik clothing should be worn at the ceremony and what? Last time my friend Charlotte came to regale us in the residence. He looks more elegant when put on blouse and batik scarf by-by from me. If it does not believe in, see how sweet and cantiknya when the woman wear batik Indonesia .... Indeed, when already know, I definitely have a sense and have a sense ....

